Who We Are

Rotary is Service Above Self
- Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who come together to make positive, lasting change in communities at home and abroad.
- Our club members are local business, professional and civic leaders who meet regularly, get to know each other, form friendships, and through that, we’re able to get things done in the Grass Valley community. We are truly People of Action.
- The Rotary Club of Grass Valley was chartered in 1925 with 25 members. Since the first meeting on January 13, 1925, at the Brete Harte Inn in Grass Valley, the club has continuously served the Grass Valley community and Rotary International as an effective and highly successful force for accomplishing Rotary Service Above Self.
- Grass Valley Rotarians have been a visible part of the community for many years and our contributions and dedication to service have left an indelible mark for the better on virtually all aspects of community life.
- As the club moves forward into its 100th year of service our goal remains the same: Service above Self. We will continue to accomplish our goal by planning and carrying out a variety of humanitarian, educational and service projects that will benefit the community and the world.
The Four Way Test
Of things we think, say, or do.
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?